
November 08, 2023
Visit to the One Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

AHRA Exchange Visit in Malaysia 2023: Strengthening Capacity for Read More

April 30, 2024
Empowering Communities: IDUCARE’s Successful Mental Health First Aid Workshop

We are excited to announce the successful Mental Health First Aid workshop hosted by IDUCARE! On April 26, 2024 participants ....

March 16, 2024
Celebrating KHANA’s Success: HIV Testing Service Training in Kampot Province

We are proud to celebrate the achievement of our partners; KHANA! Their recent Read More

March 24, 2024
World TB Day 2024: Addressing TB and Substance Use in Southeast Asia

As World TB Day 2024 approaches, it’s essential to acknowledge the intersecting challenges of Read More

March 26, 2024
UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs Embraces Harm Reduction: A Milestone in Drug Policy Reform

AHRA applauds the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) for embracing harm reduction during its 67th session. This marked a ....

March 21, 2024
Shedding Light on Women’s Realities: Unveiling the Human Cost of Harsh Drug Policies

In his compelling presentation at the recent Side Event of UNCND meeting, “Paving the way for the future: Uncovering and ....

March 12, 2024
Join us on a journey to make a difference in Southeast Asia!

Our latest video discloses AHRA’s mission to address the drugs, HIV, TB, and mental health crisis in Southeast Asia through ....

March 11, 2024
AHRA Advocates for Evidence-Based Drug Policies at UN CND: Read Our Position Statement!

 AHRA’s stance at the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs: Southeast Asia must prioritize human rights & health in drug policies. ....

February 14, 2024
Celebrating KHANA’s Achievements!

We are delighted to celebrate the achievements of KHANA, one of the steering group members of AHRA! KHANA recently organized ....