
Southeast Asia Harm Reduction Association (AHRA) Exchange Visit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Fostering Regional Collaboration for Harm Reduction

November 08, 2023

The AHRA Exchange Visit to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which took place from October 30th to November 4th, 2023, was a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to advancing harm reduction efforts in Southeast Asia. The primary objective of this exchange visit was to further empower the AHRA Country Liaison Trainers (CLT) Team with the tools, knowledge, and strategies to enhance harm reduction support and policy advocacy. Inspired by the AHRA “Learning Together, Adapt, and Adopt” strategy, this visit served as a platform for participants to strengthen their individual and collective capacity in the realm of harm reduction. It also aimed to provide tailored harm reduction policy advocacy plans for their respective countries while creating valuable networking opportunities.

The visit encompassed two main parts:

Part One: Enhanced Capacity

In this phase, the focus was on enhancing the individual and collective harm reduction service delivery capacity of the AHRA Country Liaison Team. Participants worked on strategies to assist local community-led harm reduction organizations and initiatives. This phase aimed at strengthening the foundations of harm reduction support.

Part Two: AHRA Harm Reduction Policy Advocacy Planning

The CLT team dedicated themselves to crafting actionable harm reduction policy advocacy plans tailored to their respective countries. These plans are vital for influencing change at the policy level and ensuring the advocacy efforts are impactful. The visit also created valuable networking opportunities, modeling partnerships that can shape the future of harm reduction in the region.

To make the most of this exchange visit, active engagement and reflection were encouraged during the learning process. Participants were requested to take notes and, at the end of each agenda point, write down three key takeaways, which served as the basis for further discussions and knowledge sharing. The feedback and insights gained from these activities were invaluable for fostering deeper reflections and collaborative learning.

The exchange visit brought together key organizations, including Southeast Asia Harm Reduction Association (AHRA), International Drug Policy Consortium, Harm Reduction International, Network of Asian People who Use Drugs (NAPUD), and Malaysian AIDS Council, fostering meaningful inter-agency support and synergy. It highlighted the importance of uniting our efforts for the progress of harm reduction policy advocacy in Southeast Asia.

The exchange visit provided a platform for participants to initiate the process of developing tailored harm reduction policy advocacy plans for their respective countries. The plans were created through inter-country collaboration, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach.

Throughout the visit, participants actively engaged in discussions, workshops, site visits, and open dialogues. Participants reflected on their experiences, shared insights, and gathered valuable takeaways to shape their future efforts in harm reduction and drug policy advocacy.

The AHRA Exchange Visit in Malaysia was an evidence to our commitment to “Learning Together, Adapt, and Adopt.” The invaluable insights gained during this visit are the building blocks for effective harm reduction advocacy. They will contribute to our collective mission to advance harm reduction efforts in Southeast Asia. Stay tuned for detailed reports and further updates on our progress in the field of harm reduction.

We extend our sincere thanks to all the participants, organizations, and individuals who made this exchange visit a success. Your dedication and passion are driving positive change in our region.

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